Free Download Aion Online Bot AutoIt [Beta Open Source 0.2] ; Aion Online Bot AutoIt [Beta Open Source 0.2]
Information :
- just put in the keys for the attacks and for loot + reg.
- if you e.g. do not use attacke 2 write a "x" in the input field
- reg and loot key must be set
- there is no background mode
- this Aion Online bot will not recognize adds, so you should farm neutral mobs only
- when this Aion Online bot is running do not leave the Aion online window, because otherwise he write keys like "w" in the other window
- the only way to stop the bot is pressing "F5"
Create Waypoints :
- start Aion online and log in and go with your char to the point where you want to start farming. then click "Add WP" and put in a file name. the file will be in the same folder like this Aion Online bot. then go to the next point and click again "Add WP". you must do this until your the last WP, which should be near the first.
Load Waypoints :
- put in a file name of an existing waypoint file und click "Open WP"
- click the "run bot" button and the bot starts farming
Finally I want to mention again that the bot is not finished. the main reason developer published the source, is to make it available for other people which want to extend the bot and not in order to farm easily with it.
You have to put the modified NoMadMemory.au3 (a function was added (_MemoryModuleGetBaseAddress) NoMadMemory.au3 into you include directory.