Anti-AFK Bot Background Mode [AutoIt]

This Anti-AFK Aion Online bot code can made simple with background mode when Aion Online is minimized.So the scrips can do something else as ;

- It just hit "P" every 10 sec.

"It's just a simple auto-it script that constantly does something on your Aion Online game to prevent the game form disconnecting you form the server, good if you go afk for a long time and servers are full.The script will keep your character alive."

- It works on both Windowed and Full screen mode.
- Work on Window Vista x64, Window 7 x64, Window XP x84

Code ;

Usability ;

Run Aion Online and then start the .exe. Push 'pause' (should be above your 'page-up' key)

Or you can use this Anti-AFK Aion Online bot code instread ;

If you want randomization to the keypresses (for impossible to be caught or banned for using a clicker) this Anti-AFK Aion Online bot code is your alternative ;